The Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is a gentle muscle release therapy which may relieve tension and reduce pain for a wide range of conditions.
For Stress...
The Bowen Technique can be used as an effective stress management therapy, it encourages the body to release tension on a deep level and leaves you feeling refreshed and energised.
Sports-related benefits...
The Bowen Technique can be of great benefit for sports injuries, encouraging the body to heal rapidly and re-balance after injury. The Bowen Technique can also fine-tune and optimise your sports performance.
For Stress...
The Bowen Technique can be used as an effective stress management therapy, it encourages the body to release tension on a deep level and leaves you feeling refreshed and energised.
Sports-related benefits...
The Bowen Technique can be of great benefit for sports injuries, encouraging the body to heal rapidly and re-balance after injury. The Bowen Technique can also fine-tune and optimise your sports performance.
Symptoms which respond well to Bowen:
muscular-skeletal problems: back pain, neck and shoulder pain, knee pain, sciatica, whiplash
sports injuries
digestive disorders, such as IBS
respiratory problems
pregnancy and fertility problems.
Bowen may also be beneficial for children with special needs such as Cerebral Palsy, dyspraxia, autism, Asperger’s syndrome.
sports injuries
digestive disorders, such as IBS
respiratory problems
pregnancy and fertility problems.
Bowen may also be beneficial for children with special needs such as Cerebral Palsy, dyspraxia, autism, Asperger’s syndrome.
The Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is a gentle non-invasive hands-on muscle release therapy. It reduces tension and pain and increases mobility (think of neck estrictions, shoulder restrictions). The technique can address common stress-related and muscular-skeletal problems, including back, neck & shoulder pain, RSI, whiplash. A sequence of moves over specific points on muscles and soft tissue releass tension in the fascia (connective tissues) and encourages re-alignment of the body. Clients greatly benefit from a reduction of pain, restriction and an increase in mobility. A treatment can increase your overal sense of well-being and energy leves. Some clients feel the benefit of mental clarity.
Bowen Therapy is suitable and safe for all ages, from new-borns to the elderly.
Bowen Therapy is suitable and safe for all ages, from new-borns to the elderly.
How does the Bowen Therapy work?
Your Bowen practitioner uses a sequence of gentle rolling moves over precise locations on muscles and soft tissue to encourage the release of stress patterns and tension in your connective tissues. These stress patterns may be the result of old injuries or caused over time by incorrect posture. Once your brain has been alerted to these patterns through the Bowen moves, your body can start the process of re-alignment. Periods of rest of about 2 minutes between sequences of moves allow your brain to acknowledge the moves, make adjustments and initiate a healing process.
Bowen practitioners do not diagnose, prescribe or alter your medication, however you may be advised to consult your GP.
Bowen practitioners do not diagnose, prescribe or alter your medication, however you may be advised to consult your GP.
A Typical Treatment
The first Bowen treatment will take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour and includes a detailed consultation about the nature of your presenting symptom/s. There is no need to undress, provided you are wearing light weight clothes (such as tracksuit bottoms, please do not wear denim jeans). During the Bowen treatment you will be resting on the treatment couch and will be covered in towels and a blanket for comfort and warmth. However, if for whatever reason you are unable to lie down, your treatment can be adjusted to be given seated.
Aftercare: Following a treatment you are requested to drink adequate water to allow your tissues to be properly hydrated and encourage optimum function. Your are also advised to avoid long periods of sitting and inactivity, as this may hinder your body's ability to re-adjust.
Aftercare: Following a treatment you are requested to drink adequate water to allow your tissues to be properly hydrated and encourage optimum function. Your are also advised to avoid long periods of sitting and inactivity, as this may hinder your body's ability to re-adjust.
How Many Treatments will I need?
It is recommend that you have 2 or 3 sessions to gain optimum benefit. However you are welcome to attend for a single session, it is your choice!
Some clients choose to return at regular intervals to keep their body functioning at optimum levels and to avoid re-injury through the build up of stress patterns.
Some clients choose to return at regular intervals to keep their body functioning at optimum levels and to avoid re-injury through the build up of stress patterns.
Your Therapist
Your Therapist at Essential Wellbeing, Mrs. Maike Dring is an experienced Bowen therapist with over 12 years experience in the Bowen Technique. She has studied with European College of Bowen Studies under Paula Esson.